Week 10Term 3
St John's Primary School -6882 2677
School Vision Statement: To change the world through our faith in Jesus who is our light.
Phone: 6882 2677 or 6882 2653
Email: stjohnsprimarydubbo@bth.catholic.edu.au
Principal: Mr. Anthony O’Leary
School Manager/Priest: Father Greg Kennedy
P&F Meetings: 2nd & 7th Tuesday each term
Parents/guardians-Please note that photographs of students may be used in publication. Please advise the School Office if you do not approve of your child’s photo being used.
Dates to Remember
Monday 23rd September - SJP Band performing at Assembly Wednesday 25th September - Year 6 - Movie Day Thursday 26th September - Year 6 Gerard Yeo Shield Day. Friday 27th September - LAST DAY TERM 3
From the Principal - Mr. O'Leary
Welcome to Week 10 and the final week of the term. What an amazing term it has been with so many highlights.
This Thursday our Year 6 students will be coming together with the other Year 6 students from Catholic schools in Dubbo for a full day of fun and competition when we compete in the Gerard Yeo Shield. The Gerard Yeo Shield has been held for a number of years and is held to remember and celebrate Gerard. Gerard lost his life in the tragedy of the Bali bombings in 2002. He was a student of SJC and like many of his family, very passionate about Rugby League. The day is the perfect way for students to come together and enjoy healthy competition and develop friendships. Something that Gerard was renowned for.
The final day for our staff and students for Term 3 is this Friday, 27th of September. Staff and students return for Term 4 on Monday, 14th of October.
Last week we hosted a group of 16, St John’s College students from Year 11 for their community service. It was a pleasure to host these students who are a credit to themselves, the College and their families. The students assisted in the classrooms, and were busy in the playground showing their skills in handball. Well done Year 11.
God Bless and have a wonderful Week. If you are traveling during the term break, travel safe and take plenty of breaks.
Anthony O’Leary
Religion News - Mrs. Clifford
Enrolment for the Sacrament of Reconciliation: This coming weekend will see the beginning of the Preparation Sessions for this sacrament for our Year 2 Catholic students. Students making this sacrament are required to attend one session each week for the next 3 weeks.
The session will be offered at St. Brigid’s Hall at the times listed below. If you are yet to receive communication from Rosie Hosking (St. Brigid’s Sacramental Coordinator, please contact her asap on: sacraments.dubbo@cdob.org.au
SJP’s Sponsor Child Stephanie Nnamele: Please save the date! On the first Wednesday back at school next term, SJP will hold a School Disco for our Sponsor child Stephanie from Nigeria. Stephanie thoroughly enjoys sports and displays pleasing skills in this area according to her school reports. All students are encouraged to attend the Disco (which will be held after school) and wear their favourite sport themed clothes. The cost of the disco will be $5 per student. Students will receive a popper and a lolly bag at the disco. Please see the page below for more details and times for each grade to attend.
Masonic Village Visit: This coming Wednesday, 3 Gold will visit the Masonic Village. They will be interacting with the residents by reading comic books and the Where’s Wally series. As this is their first visit to the Masonic Village, we know they will be excited to experience this outing.
Gerard Yeo Shield: A gentle reminder to Year 6 parents: this Thursday 26th September, our Year 6 students will gather to compete in the Gerard Yeo Shield. Students will play a range of sports, chess and participate in an academic challenge. Gerard Yeo was an ex-student of St. Mary’s Primary and St. John’s College, who was tragically killed in the 2002 Bali bombings. Year 6 will need to wear sports uniforms including their hat, correct socks, correct footwear and correct hair accessories. As the day will be held at St. John’s College, permission does not need to be given to attend. We know our students will enjoy the sports and games on the day and appreciate the opportunity to mix with other Year 6 students before they move on to high school.
Enjoy the term break! Finally - enjoy the upcoming school holidays. Spring is often a great time for families to be out and about in the lovely weather. Perhaps a time to travel or for some to stay home and enjoy the less hectic pace of no school routine. Wherever your family may be, stay safe and enjoy the opportunity to recharge before Term 4.
Mass at St. Brigid’s Church:
Saturday - 6:00pm, Sunday - 9:00am and Sunday - 6:00pm
Enjoy your week! Paula Clifford Religious Education Coordinator
Wellbeing News - Mrs. Kenny
Wellbeing News SPB4L
Our SPB4L focus was introduced at our fortnightly assembly and the focus is ‘wearing our school hat’. Students have been encouraged to wear their school hat before school, during break times and during sport especially now that the warm weather has begun to warm up. We have also focused on the appropriate ways we should wear a hat to protect ourselves from the sun.
Breakfast Club Breakfast Club is now available at school between 8.20 - 8.40am Monday - Friday. Breakfast club will offer the following
- A slice of toast with either vegemite or jam and a hot milo for $1
- Extra slice of toast is 50c
As this is a wellbeing initiative there is no provision for the use of Flexischools to order. This is a cash only purchase.
ICAS Results
ICAS Results
Well done to the following SJP students who have achieved great results in the recent ICAS assessments.
ICAS Digital Technologies.
Merit - Yr 3 Ranumi.
ICAS Science.
Merit - Yr 4 Henoch & Bivan.
Credit - Yr 2 Inesh, Yr 3 Ranumi.
Distinction - Yr 2 Viru.
ICAS English.
Merit - Yr 3 Zafeerah.
Credit - Yr 2 Viru, Yr 3 Vinuli, Yr 4 Henoch.
Distinction - Yr 3 Ranumi.
Cultural News - Mr Fernando
Tracker Workshops: Internationally renowned Adelaide based company, Australian Dance Theatre invites participants to join the company for movement and storytelling workshops exploring Tracker. Led by Wiradjuri director-choreographer Daniel Riley, the work evokes an immensely powerful and personal story of his Great-Great Uncle, Alec ‘Tracker’ Riley.
Facilitated by performing and teaching artists, the workshops will guide participants through a series of movement activities exploring the themes and creative process of Tracker and First Nations storytelling.
Places are filling fast so please register quickly.
Wednesday October 2nd
9:30am – 11:00am - Ages 8+ Open Session
11:30am- 1:00pm - First Nations Session
Register with link below.